【答案】[判断题]12. China and the EU will not intensify bilateral cooperation and multilateral coordination between respective customs authorities on IPR enforcement, supply chain security and facilitation, fighting commercial fraud and promoting trade facilitation.

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[判断题]12. China and the EU will not intensify bilateral cooperation and multilateral coordination between respective customs authorities on IPR enforcement, supply chain security and facilitation, fighting commercial fraud and promoting trade facilitation. (2.5 分)( )

正确答案:12. 错


关键字  浏览量:
上一篇:[判断题]13. Membership in the Bank shall not be open to members of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the Asian Development Bank. (2.5 分)( )
下一篇:[判断题]11. The purpose of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia by investing in infrastructure and other productive sectors. (2.5 分)( )
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