【答案】[判断题]Victor developed a particular interest in sciences, and was especially fascinated by electricity and the question of the source of life.译文:维克多对科学产生了特别的兴趣,尤其对电和生命之源等问题非常着迷。

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[判断题]Victor developed a particular interest in sciences, and was especially fascinated by electricity and the question of the source of life.译文:维克多对科学产生了特别的兴趣,尤其对电和生命之源等问题非常着迷。



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上一篇:[判断题]When Victor left school and went to the University of Ingoldstadt, he continued with these studies and gradually formed a desire to “unfold the deepest mysteries of creation” and to create a living thing himself.译文:当维克多中学毕业进入英戈尔德斯
下一篇:[判断题]For other groups,?there are not set prayers and people can pray to their god in any way they?wish.译文:对于其他小组,没有设定祈祷,人们可以任何方式向他们的上帝祈祷。
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