【答案】More and more students want

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1. 学习时间; 2. 安全; 3. 自由性; 4. 与同学交往; 5. 学习效果。 注意:可从其他角度阐述,但两方面的理由都至少要有两条;词数100左右。
More and more students want to rent a room instead of living with other classmates. Although they still need to pay for the dormitory, becaue they think they can get more room for themselves, and don't impact each other. They regard it's better for them!

I don't think it's good idea to rent another room during studying in the school.

1) someone regard they can get more time to their study, and they can study at their private room to learn and don't be impact by the others. In fact, we study at the classroom in normal, and almost needn't to spend more time to learn at dormitory. And if you stay at classroom, and all of your classmates are studying, you shall study too, and you also feel better to learn at that time.

2)Because we don't have enough money to rent the better room, and only the simple room, and it's not safety enough. Because the students still younger, and don't have enough experience to deal with some special things. Living out of school, and it will give you unnecessary trouble in some uncertain reason, and the rating of the potential hurt will more than we stay at school's dormitory.

3)limited the communication with the classmates. becasue you don't stay at dormitory, and only meet your classmates in the class, so you reduce the chance/time to communicate with your classmates. Maybe you don't have a friend from your classmates.


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